Table definition for a list element







Defines whether the rows are represented vertically below each other (AS_ROW) or horizontally next to each other (AS_COLUMN).

Allow table flipping?


Defines whether, at run-time, the mode can be changed from row oriented to column oriented.



Defines the position of the table (north, south, east, west).

Column header class


Defines the implementation class for the column heading. The following class is the standard one: : com.jaxfront.ui.model.PrimitiveRowHeaderLabellingStrategy

Edit Mode The values of a simple list (consisting only of simple types) may be edited directly within the table (inbound editing). For more complex lists or your own column definitions, the detailed view of the selected node is displayed at the defined position (north, south, west east).


Defines how to edit list entries. In the dialog mode, the "editing" button is displayed, enabling you to edit the selected list entry over a dialog window.

Bounds (x,y,w,h)


Defines the position (x,y) of the dialog window relative to the current window. Also, it defines the exact size of the window (width, height in pixels). With the indication of a comma-separate string, e.g., 20,20,300,500 , the dialogue window is opened at x=20, y=20 with width of 300 and a height of 500.

If nothing is specified (that means 0,0), the dialog window appears in standard size (preferredSize), centered relative to the current window.

Button Sequence


Defines the sequence of both buttons „ok" and „cancel".

Display of the table in the mode: AS_COLUMN

To change the view at run time, click the button in the upper right corner of the table (if „Allow Table Flipping" is activated).

Table in the Edit Mode "Dialog"

In the previous example, the following settings were used:

  • The table editing mode was set to „Dialog".
  • The Position of the dialog window was set to 100,20,400,250.

The window opens accurately at the coordinates x=100 y=20, and it has firmly defined width of 400 and a height of 250 pixels. The buttons „OK" and „Cancel" are aligned in the right corner of the dialog box.

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