With the Cell Editor, all cell data can be mutated.
Cell Editor for components
Cell Editor for labels
Property | Description |
Type* | Defines the cell type. |
XPath* | Displays the XPath of the addressed component. You can click the push button „..." to jump to the addressed XUI component (if one is available). |
Formula | Defines a formula expression for a label. |
Text | Defines the standard text for a label (see also NLS) |
Character font | Defines the character font used for a label (not yet implemented) |
Character size | Defines the character size used in a label (not yet implemented) |
Writing color | Defines the label color (not yet implemented) |
X* | X coordinate. |
Y* | Y coordinate. |
H.Align | Defines the horizontal alignment. |
V.Align | Defines the vertical alignment. |
Row span* | Defines the row span. |
Column span* | Defines the column span. |
NLS (de) | Defines the language dependent display text. |
NLS (Tooltip) (de) | Defines the language dependent tooltip. |
* These fields are not editable.