There are a number of different operating ranges. This means the scope of the event trigger. Because an XML is alwyas a tree, the scope is crucial to know if the rules should be fired or not. If one defines a rule on a tree node it is important to know which property changes are relevant for the rule (all, only direct descendants and so on).
Name | Description |
sourceOnly (deprecated) | Only the current node is affected. |
source | Only the current node is affected. |
sourceAndRefNodes (deprecated) | The current and all referred nodes within the condition expression. |
referencedNodes | all referred nodes within the condition -> formula expression |
directDescendants | All direct descendants of the current node. |
allDescendants | All descendants of the current node. |
sourceAndDirectDescendants | The current node and all direct descendants of this node. |
sourceAndAllDescendants | The current node and all descendants of this node. |
all | All nodes. |
parent | Any parent node |
directParent | Only the direct parent node |
siblings | Any sibling of the current node |