An event defines the kind of trigger and the relevant range (scope) for the processing of the condition, and respectively all actions. A rule is processed in these circumstances:
XUI component - Event
Fieldname | Default | Description |
Event trigger (deprecated!) | change | See section Event. |
Event trigger | domInitialized propertyChange | See section Event. | |
Does concern none-serializable source If this setting is deactivated, as soon as the underlying node is no more serialized the rule stops being executed. In this case, a previously indicated validating message is removed, regardless of its category (incomplete, hint, info, error). | Yes | Defines whether the rule is to be executed, if the underlying node is no longer serializable. |
Does concern only visible source | No | Rule will be ignored if the conponent is set to visible "false" via Style->Mode->visible or by a setVisible Action | |
Does concern referenced nodes in action formula | No | Does concern considers referenced nodes within Property change actions. | |
Scope (deprecated!) | sourceAndReferencedNodes | With the specification of its own Java class, the condition itself can be implemented. The class must implement the condition interface. If a formula expression and its own class are indicated, both conditions must be fulfilled, in order that the actions be executed. |
Scopes | source | see section Operating range |
For example, to inform yourself about the entry of a list element or the selection from a choice (modeled Choice), you must select the following type and scope for the list element: Type=„structureChange (addNode)" and Scope=„sourceOnly". |