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A global variable is an alias association for a type and its value. Instead of using the function nodeValue("xpath") you may then use the global variable instead.

As an example. If you want to calculate a price like this:
nodeValue("/purchaseOrder/item/quantity") * nodeValue("/purchaseOrder/item/price")

You may use the following syntax after you have defined two global variables:
quantity * price

To define a variable you need to specify the following:

xpathXPath to address a node or a node list. Every referenced node will become a variable definition.
If you address nodes with an xpath selector like '//' or '//*' be sure that the node names are unique. Otherwise specify a name/value tuple where the name comes from another node.
nameDefines the name and its value holder (optional) tag name (comma separated).
  • If no name is defined, the node tag name will be taken.
  • If just (withoud value holder name) a name is defined, the value is the direct child value of the target node (specified in xpath).
  • If a name and a value holder is defined, the name and the value holder name must be an existing direct child of the target node (specified in xpath).

Note: If you want the name or the value to be interpreted as a child node/child value you need to specify the variable as isDynamic = true.

conditionDefines if the var definition should be applied. This must be a valid jaxfront formula (JEP expression) returning a boolean.nodeValue(".") == true
You may prefix all the var names if you like. This is optional but very powerfull if you know about duplicate node
You may postfix all the var names if you like. This is optional but very powerfull if you know about duplicate node names.


isDynamicIf you like to take the var name (and/or its value) from another node, be sure you mark the var as 'isDynamic'. Default is false.
If false the name of the variable is eather a fix name or if the name is empty the tag name of the target node will be taken.

Below are some examples for defining variables in your XUI.

   <var isDynamic="true">
              <condition>nodeLabel(choosenNode(&quot;../../../config/type&quot;)) != &quot;raster&quot;</condition>
       <var isDynamic="true">
       <var isDynamic="true">
       <var isDynamic="true">
              <name>formula:&quot;../../../../config/type/table/column[&quot; + integer(subStringAfter(nodeName(&quot;.&quot;),,1)) + &quot;]/@name&quot;</name>
              <xpath>//page//element/value/list/*/*[starts-with(local-name(), &apos;c&apos;)]</xpath>
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