The class EditorPanel (com.jaxfront.swing.ui.editor.EditorPanel) represents the main GUI component of JAXFront. It includes a navigation tree on the left (if desired) and the workspace on the right in which the generated components are drawn.
See class com.jaxfront.demo.api.UseEditorPanel
public class UseEditorPanel extends AbstractCompositeView { protected void defaultBuild() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); try { URL xsdURL = URLHelper.getUserURL("examples/purchaseOrder/po.xsd"); URL xmlURL = URLHelper.getUserURL("examples/purchaseOrder/po.xml"); URL xuiURL = URLHelper.getUserURL("examples/purchaseOrder/po.xui"); Document dom = DOMBuilder.getInstance().build(null,xsdURL, xmlURL, xuiURL,"purchaseOrder"); EditorPanel editorPanel = new EditorPanel(dom.getRootType(), getEditor().getWindow()); add(editorPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } catch (DocumentCreationException ex) { LogRegistry.getInstance().warn(getClass(), "Error while creating po.xsd DOM: " + ex); } } public void setApplicationRequired(boolean aBoolean) {} public void setRequired(boolean aBoolean) {} }
Create an instance of EditorPanel and plugin in the JPanel instance where ever you want.