Versionen im Vergleich


  • Diese Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.
  • Diese Zeile wurde entfernt.
  • Formatierung wurde geändert.


A typical NLS entry is structured as follows:


  • XPath%Context%detail=Translated Text


purchaseOrder%caption=Purchase Order
/purchaseOrder%treeEntry=Purchase Order
/purchaseOrder/@orderDate%label=Order Date

/purchaseOrder/item[list]%lineInfo%0=Part Num.

Following context exists:

Context NameMeaning
labelA simple form label.
captionA simple caption for a composite group.
treeEntryA tree entry name.
lineInfo%xA column label for a table.
tableLayout%x,yA name for a label cell within an own table layout containing x and y coordinates.




Typical NLS dialog 
The structure described above applies to tree entries, headings, leaf names and elements which can be used in a Table-Layout representation. In the following Figure, some typical NLS dialogues, which follow this schema, are specified.
