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Wiki-MarkupIn this example, we want to address all items of a _purchaseOrder{_}.

The XPath expression reads as follows: _

_ To address the JAXFront {^}^ list type _item{_}, the XPath expression reads as follows: _

To address individual _items, apply the_ following completely normal XPath expression: _

_ The _\[text\]_ predicate identifies the contents of a leaf element, which has at least one attribute defined. This leaf element becomes a simple group for JAXFront {^}^ (see _Representation Types_ in the _JAXFront Whitepaper{_}). However, with the normal XPath expression, you cannot differentiate what is meant: the whole group or only the text contents of this node. \\

  • /../NodeB identifies a SimpleGroup named NodeB
  • Wiki-Markup/../NodeB\[text\] identifies a SimpleType, the text contents of NodeB
  • /../NodeB/@A identifies a SimpleType, the attribute A of the NodeB