Versionen im Vergleich


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Kommentar: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Using the Layout Manager, you can arrange individual visual components.. The Layout Manager allows free positioning of individual visualization components within an imaginary grid field.

Figure 46: XUI component - Layout
Select the Table option under the Layout tab. The Form Layout editor is displayed.

Figure 47: Drag & drop of components on the Form Layout editor
Click a component in the left pane of the Editor, drag it and then drop onto the grid. The visual component is now produced and inserted into the grid.
By positioning a simple component (simpleType), the following two cells are produced:

  • Cell for the label
  • Another cell for the input field (in this case a text field).

If a PlugIn is defined or any visual characteristics are changed for a component that has already been placed onto the grid, these characteristics are not updated on the grid.