Write a plugin (Java Bean) if you want to have your own graphical implementation of any node in your XML document.
The The easiest way to create a plugin is to extend one of these abstract classes:
Class Name | Description |
com.jaxfront.swing.ui.beans.AbstractSimpleVisualizer | This class is a template to write its own primitive visualizer component. |
com.jaxfront.swing.ui.beans.AbstractComplexVisualizer | This class is a template to write its own complex visualizer component (composite). |
com.jaxfront.swing.ui.beans.AbstractListVisualizer | This class is a template to write its own list visualizer component. |
If you do not want to inherit from the given abstract classes, you need to enable the interaction with the JAXFront core engine. One needs to implement the Java interface Visualizer. The graphical representation and the data binding is up to the imlementor of the interface.
Name | Description |
getLabelText() | Returns the text of the label. |
getModel() | Returns the underlying JAXFront model (Type). |
jumpTo() | Sets the focus on this component and brings it to front. |
markError() | Do whatever you want to mark this visualizer as an error (e.q. draw a red border). |
populateModel() | Schreibt den aktuellen Wert aus der Komponente in das zugrunde liegende Modell (Type). |
populateView() | Populates the current value from the model to the view. |
postInitialization() | Gets called after the UI factory has created this visualizer. Do whatever you want here. |
release() | Releases all allocated system resources for this bean (e.q. listeners). |
removeLabel() | Removes the label from the widget. |
resetError() | Removes the error indication (e.q. red border). |
setApplicationRequired(boolean) | Sets the component as application required. This is different to the required flag from the XML Schema. An application required field gets its own defined background color (defined in the global settings). |
setEditable(boolean) | Sets the component as editable or protected. |
setEnabled(boolean) | Activates or deactivates this component. |
setLabelColor(Color) | Sets the foreground color of the label text. |
setModel(Type) | Sets the JAXFront model (Type). |
setRequired(boolean) | Sets the component as required or not. If is is required, the background color should change (as defined in the global settings). |
setVisible(boolean) | Sets the visibility of this component. |
showLabel(boolean) | Defines if the label is visible or not. |