Versionen im Vergleich


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Figure 2:


XUI schema - Logical structure

Each XUI component (component) in the XUI document is identified by clear addressing. This addressing corresponds to the XPath in the target instance (XML instance). For details see Addressing by means of XPath. This described nesting of the XML schema representation types is not repeated in the XUI specification, in order to obtain loose coupling (as small as possible) between the structural and the visual representation nesting, expressed in the XML schema. Instead, each representation type is identified only by absolute addressing (XPath).

titleThe XML syntax for an individual XUI component is specified below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?jaxfront version=1.6;xui=none;time=Mon Sep 09 17:32:12 GMT+02:00 2002;?>
<componentxpath="xpath statement">
