1. Be sure you have installed a Java virtual machine (JRE 1.6+). Include all of the following libraries to your classpath:
Library name | Description | Version |
jaxfront-core.jar | jaxfront core classes |
jaxfront-dbm.jar | jaxfront xml-db mapping |
jaxfront-demo.jar | jaxfront demo |
jaxfront-html.jar | jaxfront html renderer |
jaxfront-pdf.jar | jaxfront pdf renderer |
jaxfront-swing.jar | jaxfront swing renderer |
jaxfront-xuieditor.jar | jaxfront xuieditor |
commons-beanutils.jar | Apache Jakarta Common BeanUtils | 1.5 |
commons-collections.jar | Apache Jakarta Common Collection Tools | 1.1dev |
commons-logging.jar | Apache Jakarta Common Logging | 1.04 |
looks-1.3.1.jar | Jgoodies Look&Feel | 1.3.1 |
log4j-1.2.8.jar | Apache Logging Framework | 1.2.8 |
resolver.jar | Apache Resolver Tool | 1.1 |
xercesImpl.jar | Apache XML Schema Parser | 2.6.2 |
xml-apis.jar | W3C XML DOM/SAX API | 1.2.01 |
2. Put all your classes into a jar file (e.g. projectX.jar) and include it in the classpath too. Be sure all your functions are registered in the config/functions.xml file.
3. Place the config folder into the classpath folder or into one of your project jar files (e.g. projectX.jar). Be aware of the loading sequence of the jar files. If you don't delete the config folder in the jaxfront-core.jar you have to place your jar files before the jaxfront jar's.
4. Write a java start batch file including your jar files like:
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw" -noverify -classpath projectX.jar;..;.;..\lib;..\lib\jaxfront-core.jar;..\lib\jaxfront-swing.jar;..\lib\jaxfront-xuieditor.jar;..\lib\jimi.jar;..\lib\jaxfront-pdf.jar;..\lib\xercesImpl.jar;..\lib\xml-apis.jar;..\lib\resolver.jar;..\lib\commons-logging.jar;..\lib\commons-collections.jar;..\lib\commons-beanutils.jar;..\lib\log4j.jar;..\lib\jgoodiesLF.jar com.jaxfront.demo.TestFrame
5. Deploy the application